Press Releases
Year: 2005

PSALM gives YNN until March 31, 2006 to pay upfront payment

The Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) has asked YNN Pacific Consortium to pay on or before March 31, 2006 the $222-million upfront payment for the 600-megawatt Masinloc coal-fired power plant in Zambales. ...

PSALM delivers closing documents to YNN

The Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) has forwarded to YNN Pacific Consortium Inc., buyer of the 600-megawatt Masinloc coal-fired power plant, all the closing deliverables as specified under the asset purchase agreement to pave the way for the collection of the 40% down payment and the turnover of the power plant to YNN....

PSALM Notifies YNN Of Completion Of Conditions Precedent

The Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) has notified YNN Pacific Consortium Inc. that it has completed all conditions precedent as specified in the asset purchase agreement that the two parties executed after YNN won the bidding for the 600-megawatt Masinloc coal-fired power plant last year....

P5.6B Raised For National Power

A total of P5.6 billion was raised to meet the National Power Corporation’s remaining cash requirements this year during yesterday’s (Nov 22) auction of zero-coupon bonds at the Bureau of Treasury. ...

National Power To Issue P5.5B Worth Of Bonds

The National Power Corporation is floating zero-coupon bonds worth P5.5 billion (around $100 million) in the domestic financial market. The proceeds will be used to finance its capital expenditures and service its debts....

