Press Releases
Year: 2005

Coastal Power Consortium Wins Competitive Bid To Privatize Electric Supply In Mariduque, Romblon And Tablas

The Philippine Department of Energy and the International Finance Corporation, the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, today announced that a consortium comprising of Coastalpower Development Corporation and Applied Research Technologies Philippines Inc. won a competitive bid to supply power to the Philippine islands of Marinduque, Romblon, and Tablas. The winning bidder proposed a hybrid diesel-wind energy solution that will improve standards and bring the generation into compliance with Philippines environmental standards. ...

NPC Raises Additional $100 Million To Fund Operations

After securing the approval of the Monetary Board, the policy-making body of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the National Power Corporation (NPC) returned to the international capital market and raised an additional $100 million through the issuance of six-year Floating Rate Notes to finance its various operational requirements. The flotation comes at the heels of NPC’s successful $300-million offering of the same Notes early this month to bring its total issuance to $400 million. ...

NPC Reenters Int’l Mart With Offering Of $300-M Floating Rate Notes

The National Power Corporation (NPC) has successfully reentered the international capital markets with the recent issuance of six-year Floating Rate Notes valued at $300 million. The issuance is expected to further boost NPC’s already improving financial condition....

ADB Ok’s Sale Of Masinloc Power Plant

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has given its consent to the sale of the 600-megawatt Masinloc coal-fired power plant. ADB, together with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), financed the construction of the power plant in Zambales which was bid out last December....

NPC, PSALM Complete Nationwide Customers’ Forum

The Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) and the National Power Corporation (NPC) recently conducted two dialogues in the Mindanao grid, specifically in Cagayan de Oro and Davao City, to successfully complete a nationwide “Customers’ Forum on Electricity Industry Developments.” The series of forums aimed to update electricity consumers on the latest developments in the power industry, including upcoming reforms. ...

