Press Releases
Year: 2005

Transco Concessionaire to Finance Rehab, Expansion of Transmission Lines

The bidders for the 25-year concession of the Transmission Company (Transco) should be prepared to finance the rehabilitation and expansion of the country’s electricity transmission system, a program that would need at least $850 million in the next five years in addition to the required cash down payment equivalent to at least 25% and the annual amortizations of the remaining 75% of the winning bid price....

NPC, PSALM To Abide By Erc Decision On Rate Adjustment Petition

The National Power Corporation (NPC) and the Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp. (PSALM) will comply with the decision of the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), which granted an additional nationwide average adjustment of P0.4795 in the electricity rates of NPC. ...

$1.035 Billion Saved Through IPP Contract Renegotiations

The Power Sector Assets & Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) estimates that about US$1.035 Billion (in net present value) will be saved as a result of the renegotiations with the independent power producers (IPPs), which is now about to be completed....

Nine Firms Eye Calaca Power Plant

The Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation’s (PSALM Corp.) privatization continues to gain momentum as nine local and foreign companies have expressed interest in bidding for the Calaca coal-fired thermal power plant....

PSALM To Bid Out 19 Power Plants This Year

The Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp. (PSALM) has scheduled the public bidding of 19 power plants all over the country this year in an effort to hasten the privatization process and pave the way for the operation of the wholesale electricity market and open access....

