Photo Releases

PSALM convenes electric coops to reconcile Universal Charge accounts


In its effort to achieve 100% collection efficiency from the Universal Charge (UC), the Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) gathered with representatives of ten (10) electric cooperatives (ECs) from different regions on 24-26 October 2018 at the PSALM office in Vertis North, Quezon City to reconcile energy sales, UC billings, collections and remittances, disseminate updates on the latest Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)-approved UC guidelines, and promote the use of the newly enhanced Universal Levy Administration System (ULAS).


The three-day assembly is instrumental in addressing issues and concerns regarding the UC administration program and in receiving timely feedback from ECs regarding their usage of the ULAS—an online application in the PSALM website that automates billing and remittance of the UC to improve collection efficiency.


Pursuant to Section 51 of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act, PSALM is mandated to administer the UC which is collected monthly by distribution utilities. Funds generated will be utilized for missionary electrification, renewable energy development, environmental protection, and payment of the National Power Corporation’s financial obligations.


In the photos:


Ms. Erliza Casas, Officer-in-Charge of the Universal Charge Administration Department, gives participating electric cooperatives an overview of the Universal Charge (UC) updates and UC reconciliation on collection and billing.


Mr. Hacer Balisbis, Manager of PSALM’s Information Systems and Technology Department, demonstrates the features of the newly enhanced Universal Levy Administration System (ULAS).
