Photo Releases

Bidding for ULGPP Bulk Energy IPPA

PSALM President and Chief Executive Officer and Privatization, Bids Awards Committee (PBAC) Chairperson Lourdes S. Alzona (center), joined by Acting Vice President and General Counsel and PBAC member Cecilio B. Gellada, Jr. (left) and Acting Asset Management Group Vice President and PBAC Vice Chairperson Arnold C. Francisco, facilitates the bidding for PSALM’s selection and appointment of the Unified Leyte Geothermal Power Plant Bulk Energy Independent Power Producer Administrator (ULGPP Bulk Energy IPPA). Held at PSALM’s Makati City office on Wednesday (02 September 2015), the bidding was declared a failure, as only one bidder - Unified Leyte Geothermal Energy, Inc. – submitted a bid.
