Photo Releases

2017 Visayas Power Customers Forum

Last 26 October 2017, the Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management (PSALM) Corporation held its 2017 Visayas Power Customers Forum at Waterfront Hotel & Casino in Cebu City. Distribution utilities and electric cooperatives from the Visayas region participated in the said event.


The event served as a venue to inform the participants of PSALM’s available capacity in the Visayas grid, explain PSALM’s contracting processes, renew possible partnerships, and to provide updates on rate adjustments, among other matters.


In the photos:


(1st) On stage is Mr. Abner Tolentino, PSALM Acting Department Manager of the Electricity Trading Department, giving the participants an overview of the forum’s objectives.


(2nd) A participant from Region 8 raising concerns and questions to PSALM during the open forum.

