For 2017, PSALM’s GAD initiatives are focused on children for good reasons. Here in the Philippines, some of our children work long hours in hazardous conditions and some are involved in armed conflict. At a tender stage in their lives, most children endure inhuman conditions in detention centers. In their very own homes, they get abused by individuals supposed to be responsible for their care.
To address these concerns, the Gender and Development Focal Point System (GAD-FPS) of PSALM initiated a talk on Children’s Rights delivered by the Council for the Welfare of Children last 22 December 2017. Film showing and children’s games followed thereafter.
GAD-FPS initiates Talk on Children's Rights
For 2017, PSALM’s GAD initiatives are focused on children for good reasons. Here in the Philippines, some of our children work long hours in hazardous conditions and some are involved in armed conflict. At a tender stage in their lives, most children endure inhuman conditions in detention centers. In their very own homes, they get abused by individuals supposed to be responsible for their care.
To address these concerns, the Gender and Development Focal Point System (GAD-FPS) of PSALM initiated a talk on Children’s Rights delivered by the Council for the Welfare of Children last 22 December 2017. Film showing and children’s games followed thereafter.