PSALM commences 2019 National Women’s Month celebration
In recognition of the invaluable contribution of women in every sector of society, PSALM’s Gender and Development - Focal Point System (GAD-FPS) organized a kick-off activity last 04 March 2019 to welcome National Women’s Month. This year’s theme “We Make Change Work for Women,” features women as active contributors to development and stresses the importance of creating a safe and harnessing environment for them.
Invited as guest speaker in the event is Public Attorney's Office (PAO) Chief, Atty. Persida Acosta. Atty. Acosta highlighted the role of PAO, as the principal law office of the government, in safeguarding women’s rights through the provision of free legal aid services, and the need to strengthen efforts in fighting discrimination and violence. She also underscored the significance of women’s work both in the workplace and in the home. The National Women’s Month Celebration is part of the worldwide observance of the International Women’s Day (IWD) observed every 08 March.
PSALM commences 2019 National Women’s Month celebration
In recognition of the invaluable contribution of women in every sector of society, PSALM’s Gender and Development - Focal Point System (GAD-FPS) organized a kick-off activity last 04 March 2019 to welcome National Women’s Month. This year’s theme “We Make Change Work for Women,” features women as active contributors to development and stresses the importance of creating a safe and harnessing environment for them.
Invited as guest speaker in the event is Public Attorney's Office (PAO) Chief, Atty. Persida Acosta. Atty. Acosta highlighted the role of PAO, as the principal law office of the government, in safeguarding women’s rights through the provision of free legal aid services, and the need to strengthen efforts in fighting discrimination and violence. She also underscored the significance of women’s work both in the workplace and in the home. The National Women’s Month Celebration is part of the worldwide observance of the International Women’s Day (IWD) observed every 08 March.