Family values, gender awareness on spotlight during 2016 PSALM Family and Gender Awareness Day
On the afternoon of 10 June 2016, the sixth floor of PSALM’s Makati office transformed into a bustling town fair as street food stalls dotted the walkway and children of employees dashed towards game booths, hoping to claim their bounty of goodies. This was the scenario as PSALM Corporation, through the concerted efforts of the 2016 Corporate Strengthening Month and CSR Gender and Development (GAD), celebrated its Family and Gender Awareness Day. Spouses and children of PSALM employees gathered at the Filipinas Hall to listen to the talk of an expert resource speaker and enjoy games, free food treats and a bonanza of prizes.
Family talk
Earlier in the day, Southern Illinois University Professor Dr. Raymund E. Narag lectured to PSALM officials and employees on the impact of family values and gender awareness to the health of the household and eventually, the nation. Dr. Narag, who is also a Fulbright scholar, emphasized that parents and siblings remain the strongest influencers of children’s behavior despite the fast inflow of social media to homes and schools.
Other topics raised during the talk were gender equality in relation to economic empowerment, how to rear children to be gender-sensitive and overcoming anti-women narratives. The common problem on bullying in schools was brought up by concerned parents. Dr. Narag advised parents whose children have experienced bullying, saying “Instead of teaching your children to fight back when bullied, teach them conflict resolution.”
Family values, gender awareness on spotlight during 2016 PSALM Family and Gender Awareness Day
On the afternoon of 10 June 2016, the sixth floor of PSALM’s Makati office transformed into a bustling town fair as street food stalls dotted the walkway and children of employees dashed towards game booths, hoping to claim their bounty of goodies. This was the scenario as PSALM Corporation, through the concerted efforts of the 2016 Corporate Strengthening Month and CSR Gender and Development (GAD), celebrated its Family and Gender Awareness Day. Spouses and children of PSALM employees gathered at the Filipinas Hall to listen to the talk of an expert resource speaker and enjoy games, free food treats and a bonanza of prizes.
Family talk
Earlier in the day, Southern Illinois University Professor Dr. Raymund E. Narag lectured to PSALM officials and employees on the impact of family values and gender awareness to the health of the household and eventually, the nation. Dr. Narag, who is also a Fulbright scholar, emphasized that parents and siblings remain the strongest influencers of children’s behavior despite the fast inflow of social media to homes and schools.
Other topics raised during the talk were gender equality in relation to economic empowerment, how to rear children to be gender-sensitive and overcoming anti-women narratives. The common problem on bullying in schools was brought up by concerned parents. Dr. Narag advised parents whose children have experienced bullying, saying “Instead of teaching your children to fight back when bullied, teach them conflict resolution.”