PSALM pays 6th batch of claimants for Power Barge 103 oil spill indemnities

12 Sep 2018

The Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) resumed on 03 September 2018 the distribution of compensation checks to the families and enterprises in the Municipality of Estancia, Iloilo affected by the oil spill from Power Barge (PB) 103. Then docked at Barangay Botongon in Estancia, PB 103 ran aground during the onslaught of Supertyphoon Yolanda on 08 November 2013.

This latest batch of beneficiaries, the sixth batch of claimants, hail from several different barangays of Estancia. On 18 April 2018, 110 of the 673 claimants had successfully processed and submitted Notices of Loss (NOL), prompting the GSIS adjuster, Claims Services International Adjusting Co., to endorse their claims for settlement by GSIS. The indemnity paid out for this recent batch of claimants amounts to a total of PhP586,177.00. They received checks to indemnify them for damages resulting from the oil spill.

To date, PSALM has already paid a total of PHP7,329,987.00 worth of indemnities from the first to the sixth batch of claimants.

In addition to the individual indemnity checks, PSALM likewise extended aid to the Provincial Government of Iloilo on 26-27 November 2013; in cash amounting to Two Million Pesos (PHP2,000,000.00) and in kind in the form of blankets, mats and pillows, implementation of livelihood project and solar panel for water system.

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