PSALM completes Mindanao consultative meetings

17 Dec 2015

Conducted in major cities of Mindanao, the Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation's Electricity Trading Department (PSALM-ETD) completed on 6 November 2015 in Butuan City its sixth and last consultative meeting with local power customers for the year. These consultative meetings complement the annual Mindanao Power Customers' Fora held in Davao City and Cagayan de Oro City in October 2015 which aim to address power-industry specific concerns especially on power generation and management issues.

PSALM convened the representatives of Mindanao power distribution utilities and large industrial customers to discuss their contracted energy and equivalent demand allocation for 2016 considering the available capacity of the remaining PSALM/IPP plants versus current demands and Interim Mindanao Electricity Market (IMEM) concerns.

PSALM partnered with the Department of Energy (DOE), National Power Corporation (NPC) and National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) for these consultative meetings with the conduct of lectures on a wide range of current power supply issues affecting Mindanao such as the method of allocation of demand and equivalent energy, declaration/nomination protocol in the IMEM, accounting of quantities of customers with multiple suppliers, supply from embedded generators and power billings.

Based on NPC's generation forecast for 2016, the average available capacity of PSALM's power plants in the Mindanao Grid is around 655 MW. Currently, the Contract for the Supply of Electric Energy (CSEE) of the 49 power customers in Mindanao is under review for the revision of the CSEEs' contracted demand and energy of these customers.

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