07 May 2008
The Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) today (Wednesday, 07 May) conducted its scheduled Pre-bid Conference for the sale of the 0.8-megawatt Amlan Hydroelectric Power Plant.
All the five interested bidders for the power facility met with PSALM officials led by Vice President for Asset Management and Electricity Trading Froilan A. Tampinco to clarify issues and concerns, specifically on the power privatization firm's bidding procedures.
The interested parties are currently conducting their due diligence on the Negros Oriental-based power asset to assess and appraise the power plant.
As its practice in previous bidding exercises, PSALM stressed that it would be firm on the 25 June scheduled bid date indicated in the Invitation to Bid it published last 10-12 April 2008.
PSALM previously reported seven investor groups signifying interest to bid for the Amlan plant, but only five completed the initial requirements.
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