Republic of the Philippines
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Annual Reports
Year: 2023
Completing the Mandates and Exploring New Frontiers
Archive Year:
Annual Report Titles:
Completing the Mandates and Exploring New Frontiers
GCG - Approved Restructuring Plan of PSALM Corproation
GCG Memorandum Order No. 2019-06 dated 20 May 2019;
PSALM's clarificatory Letter and GCG's Response on the GCG-ARP (Part I);
PSALM's clarificatory Letter and GCG's Response on the GCG-ARP (Part II);
Murang Kuryente Act
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11371, "An Act Reducing Electricity Rates by Allocating Portion of the Net National Government Share from the Malampaya Natural Gas Project for the Payment of the Stranded Contract Costs and Stranded Debts" Otherwise Known as the "Murang Kuryente Act";
FY 2021 Murang Kuryente Act Allocation ;